Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Developing a Training Plan

Unplanned training is generally not very productive. You can still have good workouts and you may even hit some PR's every now and again, but as a general rule those who follow at least a semblance of an organized plan will have greater success over the long term.

Those of us with full time jobs, wives, and kids know that sometimes its hard to stick with something that demands a faithful regiment. It can be done however, and even if it doesn't always workout exactly as laid out, its better than nothing.

I am as guilty as anyone about starting a plan and not following through, sometimes because of my own fault and sometimes for circumstances out of my control.

Anyways, over the past few weeks my training has been kinda haphazard, mostly because of the arrival of my new baby boy Jackson, and also because of a flu bug that just didn't allow me to train very hard.

I've always had success with sensible strength programs I have adhered to and starting Monday, I'm looking to hop back into something a little more structured.

I'm a little deconditioned and have lost some of the strength I built up over the summer with a very effective Russian program I used to PR my squat, bench, press, and deadlift.

I'll post the program next time

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